Tuesday 8 March 2011

Homework: Moodboard to represent men and women in A-A films

In action-adventure films, men are stereotypically represented as brave, confident, attractive, intelligent; the attributes of a stereotypical hero, as typically, men are the heroes. Women are stereptypically portrayed as incredibly feminine; helpless and in distress, for the hero to save them; typically the princess in an A-A film. In the top half of my moodboard, I have shown the typical representations of men and women; men on a blue background, women on a pink background - the stereotypical colours for men and women. I have also incorporated pictures of well-known characters with these typical characteristics, and symbolic pictures.

However, an increasing number of A-A films are representing characters oppositely; they are breaking the expectations. Men are sometimes represented as geeky, weak and shy; attributes you wouldn't associate with a hero. Women are also sometimes represented oppositely to the norm; confident, strong, clever. Again, I have used colours which represent these characteristics, so for both men and women I used more gender nuetral colours, green and yellow. I was also inspired by Kick-ass for the green foe men (hero wears green) and by Kill Bill for the yellow - the well known yellow outfit that The Bride wears. Women, usually when the heroine, but often when the princess, is sexualised, often wearing revealing, tight clothing.

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