Wednesday 30 March 2011

Homework: analysing how POTC appeals to the audience

The Pirates of The Caribbean has a wide audience appeal, due to the many different factors, such as comedy, romance and being a swashbuckler. The core audience is both males and females between the ages of 18-30. The trailer includes funny one-liners, to widen the appeal and establish the film as funny. There is an obvious appeal to men, with action and swordfighting, and an appeal to women with the comedy and the use of famous actors and actresses. 
The film can also fulfill the 'four needs':
Entertainment and diversion: the comedy and action scenes provide the audience with entertainment, and the exciting, fast scenes allow them to be absorbed in the trailer, as escape from their own life.

Surveillance and information: the audience can watch scenes from a setting and era in which they aren't in and may be curious.

Personal identity: the audience may identify with some of the characters, for example the humour from Jack Sparrow, or the independence of Penelope Cruz's character.
Personal relationships: the audience can create relationships with the characters, as many of the characters are unique and have strong attributes to which the audience can relate to. The film is also part of a huge franchise, so the audience may already have a relationship with some of the characters.

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